schwellE 7
Wege zur sexuellen Dominanz
für Männer:
Auseinandersetzung mit Angst
und MAcht
Ways of sexual dominance for men:
confronting Fear and empowerment  
Montag, 27. Februar bis Freitag, 3. März 2012
täglich von 12 - 18 Uhr / Freitag bis 24 00
Monday - Friday, Feb, 27 - MArch, 3, 2012
daily from 12am - 6pm, Friday until midnight
Felix Ruckert ist einer der unkonventionellsten europäischen Choreografen. Bevor er mit  stark konzeptuell geprägten Stücken wie HAUTNAH, RING, DELUXE JOY PILOT und SECRET SERVICE international bekannt wurde tanzte er u.a. mit Wanda Golonka/ VA Wölfl, Mathilde Monnier und Pina Bausch. Oft gibt Ruckert dem Zuschauer eine aktive Rolle in der Aufführung und konfrontiert ihn mit intensiven Emotionen. Für diese interaktiven Choreografien erfindet er spezielle Techniken zur physischen Kommunikation und Wahrnehmung und entwickelt diese zu einer Kunst der Berührung. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Improvisationsstrukturen und Kompositionstechniken.  Seit etwa 1999 beschäftigt er sich auch praktisch und theoretisch mit BDSM und integriert auch diese Erfahrungen in seine Arbeit. Seit März 2007 leitet er die schwelle7 in Berlin-Wedding.
Felix Ruckert Throughout his work Felix Ruckert questions the perception of living performance, sometimes allowing the spectator to play an active role in the performance and confronting him/her with intense emotional feelings. This questioning inspired radical, experimental and controversial propositions that range from interactive experiences with the audience, to installations or to pieces of pure choreographic research. Felix Ruckert plays with the usual rules of a dance performance. He likes to address the audience members as individuals and to put them, most of the time, in other settings than frontal and sitting. He often borrows, transforms, transposes and brings the codes of other well-known human and social activities into performing spaces: the brothel in Hautnah (1995), the group ritual in Ring (1999), the slide show in Schwartz (1998), the visit in a gallery in Stillen (2000), the night-club in deluxe joy pilot (2000), the underground itineraries of sexuality in SECRET SERVICE (2002) the party in the Love Zoo (2004), the medical treatment in Placebo Behandlung (2005) and children‘s Role Playing in UNited Kingdom ( 2006). Strong concepts, well thought rules-of-the-game and elegant esthetics give a strong frame to the Felix Ruckert's shows, that allow an active artistic and emotional input from the performers, the musicians (music is mostly performed live) as well as a safe cocoon for the spectators reactions.

Felix Ruckert
 Many self-confident and emanicipated women complain about a lack of men with the ability to be sexually dominant. Sexual liberation offers women the freedom to choose sexual submission, if that is what turns them on. And mostly they know, that they get turned on by a fantasy of male/phallic mastery, without actually believing that it is something that really exists outside of the bedroom. This does not make it easier for men. Many men are  overchallenged by a double task:  Being equal partners in relationships but nevertheless have to take initiative and lead when it comes to sex.  Developing social competetences and empathic skills in daily life - and then being asked to be ruthless and rough in the bedroom.
 By delving into this problem, this workshop will reveal that there are also seeds for possible solutions.  Becoming strong and powerful is intrinsically linked to facing what one is most frightened of, for example, one's own body, one's own femininity, one‘s own homosexuality and/or the bodies of other men. 
 The workshop will be challenging: it will make you face lots of negative emotions such as, fear, shame, guilt, helpnessless, aggression and rage. We trigger those in order to acknowledge them and to transform them into little helpers for your dominant alter ego.
Accessing your emotions in a conscious way can be a way to engage in emotional interaction with others more easily!
 Is dominance about control? The question of control will be raised in the workshop. In fact, it is a central question. How much is male dominance really about control or actually about letting go of control?
 Honesty and integrity are other keywords, as sexual dominance is a lot about admitting and asking for what you really want and the courage to accept and explore your potential.
 Differentiating between your identity and your penis is a skill to be acquired: Find a relaxed attitude  towards the unreliabiliy of your genital. Read Annie Sprinkle's soft cock manifesto on that: 
 Learn to penetrate without your cock!
 On Friday evening the workshop will culminate in a Dominance&Submission Ritual, where you have the opportunity to test your newly acquired skills with a group of beautiful female submissives.
 Kosten / Fee : 200 EUR / s7- Members: 150.-
 Anmeldung: info (at)